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24Hour Callout

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Heat Pump & Exchanger Service

Our heating and air conditioning repair technicians routinely work on heat exchanger and heat pump systems for regular maintenance and/or installations. From heat pumps to sump pumps you can count on us for heating and cooling repair, for home and business.

We install, maintain and repair:

  • Boiler feed pumps
  • Pressure booster pumps
  • Filter systems
  • Pump controls
  • Water systems
  • Pool pumps
  • Sump pumps
  • Fountain pumps
  • Circulating pumps
  • Hot water pumps
  • Well pumps
  • Heat Exchanger

For any heat exchanger service work, we are equipped to clean, and repair all makes and models of flat plate, shell and tube heat exchangers.

Our services for heat exchangers include…

  • Chemical cleaning
  • Wash on-site
  • Clean-in-place (CIP)
  • New gaskets and plates
  • Complete new units
  • Replace tube bundles
  • Replace complete shell and tube exchangers

We can deliver and install replacement gaskets and plates for any make and model of flat plate exchangers. We ensure the unit is optimized for best heat transfer performance and energy savings.

One of the main selling points of heat pumps is that they are generally low maintenance units, but low maintenance does not mean no maintenance. Heat pumps still require a degree of regular upkeep and servicing similar to what manufacturers recommend for regular heating and air conditioning units. If left un-maintained, heat pumps can, of course, continue doing their job for a long time, albeit at an ever-decreasing rate of efficiency until complete failure finally sets in. Heat pump maintenance generally falls into two distinct categories– ordinary household upkeep and annual checkups.

DIY Maintenance

Virtually anyone can take a few minutes out of their weekend to check the filter and make sure the exterior part of the unit is kept free of dirt, debris, and obstructions. Doing these two things once or twice a year can help keep your unit humming along and increase its service life considerably, but there are other areas of heat pump service that are the domain of the professional technician.

Scheduled Maintenance

Every heat pump service inspection provides an opportunity to verify that everything in the system is actually working as anticipated. Among these chores is the need to perform a comprehensive heating system check which ensures that it will kick on when it is supposed to– and only when it is supposed to. While not a common occurrence, the heating system will sometimes fail to lock out when the system is supposed to be cooling the house.

Another energy hog is when the defrost cycle does not function properly. Cooling systems can ice up when running for long periods of time. When this happens, it is necessary for the unit to self-defrost before resuming operations. If the defrost cycle does not work properly, the unit will continue to labor but will only produce hot air.

The biggest areas of concern when it comes to heat pump repair and service are the levels of refrigerant in the unit and proper operation of the thermostat that controls its operation. Low refrigerant levels cause the heat pump to work extra hard at best and can burn out the compressor in the worst case. This can be the most expensive type of heat pump failure and might even end up causing a fire if the area around the unit is not kept clear of weeds and other flammable debris. If the unit degrades to that point, heating and air repair becomes an expensive proposition.

Thermostat checks makes sure that the heat pump is cycling on and off at the correct temperatures and also that it is performing the proper function during that time period. Because the heat pump essentially is a bi-directional appliance that moves air in one direction during the summer and the opposite direction during the winter, problems with the thermostat being improperly set up, or improperly replaced at a later date, can lead to some unexpected consequences.

The service protocol should also include an examination of the duct work for those systems which employ them, inspection and lubrication of motors, inspection of drive belts, and a careful examination of the entire wiring harness to ensure that there are no signs of incipient failure.

Ideally, peak savings come from running a system at its full capabilities, which are best achieved via full adherence to the maintenance protocols laid down by the manufacturer.

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