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24Hour Callout

CALL NOW: 1-800-123-456

In-Depth Sewer & Video Inspection from Vancouver Plumbing

Sewer and video inspections performed by the trained technicians at Vancouver Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning can provide you with the clearly documented answers you need without having to dig and search. What makes us the leading sewer specialist in Vancouver & the lower mainland is our ability to give homeowners access to modern technology that is convenient, affordable, and reliable. Regardless of the reason behind your need for an in-depth inspection, rest assured that the results will be clear and based on real-time images from inside your sewer lines.

What Is A Video Inspection?

Sewer and video inspections are visual inspections done with the use of a specially designed, high-resolution camera that our team guide through a pipe. We typically insert the camera through what is known as a cleanout or access point. A video-based inspection allows our technicians to view the inside parts of a pipe without the need for excavation done for exploratory purposes. Video inspections are a cost-effective way to determine the underlying cause of your obstructed sewer line even before you start digging.

When Should You Consider Scheduling An Inspection?

There are many reasons to have a sewer or video inspection. For instance, you may know that you have a sewer-related problem but not sure what it is or what part of your sewer system is affected. We also suggest scheduling an inspection if you are noticing any of the following issues:

  • Multiple drains that are slow
  • Recurring issues with drain clogs
  • Foul odors without a clear explanation
  • Soggy spots on your lawn and other signs of an underground pipe lea

How Do We Conduct Sewer And Video Inspections?

We use a high-resolution video camera and location system to determine the exact location and source of the problem before any other work is done. The system we use shows the precise spot of the issue along with the depth of the pipe where we will need to focus our attention. This means you will receive an accurate quote if follow-up repairs are necessary. In some cases, hydro-flushing – another top-notch sewer-related service we offer – can buy you some time or completely resolve the problem by clearing the affected part of the pipe, provided we do not detect any break or collapse.

Schedule Your Service with Vancouver Plumbing

Vancouver Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is the company to call on when your sewer lines need attention. Whether you are buying a new home, selling your existing one, or just looking to find out the exact condition of your sewer lines, our team is ready to provide the answers and solutions.

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We are here for all of your plumbing needs!

CALL NOW: 1-800-123-456