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Does Your Plumbing System Need a Backflow Preventer

Think of a backflow preventer like a locking turn style for your plumbing. Water can only go one way, and it can’t come back. If you don’t have a backflow preventer, low water pressure due to a burst water main or frozen pipe can cause non-potable water (like sewage or hose water) to be pulled into your plumbing system. From there it can introduce outside pathogens into your drinking water, and you may not realize it until you get sick.

Ensuring your current backflow prevention system is operating correctly, or having a backflow preventer installed is your first line of defense against harmful backflow from the sewer. We provide both so you are protected no matter what.

Backflow prevention is a smart investment for home and business owners. We strategically install backflow preventers to protect your water supply as close to the source as possible.

How Does Backflow Occur?

Anywhere a potable water source line and a non-potable water source line connect is called a cross-connection. Back pressure occurs when a non-potable water source has a higher pressure than the potable source it is connected to. That can cause non-potable water to force its way into a potable water line.

Low pressure in the water system creates back-siphonage. Instead of being forced into your system by higher pressure, your home plumbing system actually pulls in non-potable water from the lower pressure public water system. This pressure drop can occur from something as simple as a fire fighter using a hose connected to a fire hydrant

Why Prevent Backflow?

Non-potable water isn’t considered safe for human consumption- it can contain heavy metals, bacteria, chemicals, and other contaminants. If that non-potable water enters your drinking water system, you may consume, wash with, or otherwise come into contact with substances that are harmful to your health and the health of others.

Why wait until backflow related damage has already occurred? Our backflow testing and installation provides peace of mind and protects you from damage to your property and person. Call Vancouver Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule your backflow test or preventer installation.

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